Shoes - what kind do you wear?

Shoes! What kind do you wear? If this is not a subject you have given much attention to, now may be a good time.
I recently bought a pair of flat shoes that did not have cushioning or arch support. It also had a wide front with an opening for my toes. You may have seen or heard about these shoes.
NASA did not help us put a man on the moon alone. They also came up with the idea of a cushioned shoe. Frank Rudy, a NASA engineer, developed a patent that would ultimately become the Nike Air technology.
Prior to this, Goodyear, the tyre company, had developed keds, which was a technology that allowed rubber soles to be soldered onto our shoes for cushioning impact.
So was this technology good or bad for us?
As always, the human body adapts to what we do with it. For the most part, it adapts well, but sometimes the outcomes are not good.
When you walk naturally, your foot strikes the ground with the front of your foot. Your heel is then lowered to the ground. This form of striking the ground reduces the force of the impact, reducing injury.
Typically, if you see a modern shoe, it has cushioning both at the front and especially at the back. The idea is to prevent injuries caused by landing on your heel.
When you use a cushioned shoe, you could end up getting lazy and using your heel more. There is a cushion, after all, preventing you from getting injured.
I recently switched to a non-cushioned wide-front shoe. The effect was magical. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my feet. My feet could finally breathe.
So what should you do?
If you are inclined to build strength and resilience in your feet and legs, go back to wearing no shoes or being as minimalistic as possible. It will take time, but your feet will get stronger.
If you are among those who can't spend too much time thinking about what you wear, then the cushioned, protected shoe is probably best for you.
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