Mortality -Reflect on Yours

"A person who has not comprehended the doctrine of the Buddha is infatuated by long life and considers himself as immortal, even though he may see many deaths around him;
He is infatuated by good health and considers himself free from disease even though he may see countless diseased persons around him;
He is infatuated by youth even though he may see many aged persons and considers himself as one who is not subjected to old age;
He is infatuated by wealth and prosperity even though he may see countless persons rendered destitute through loss of wealth;
He never thinks for a moment that he too might be subjected to such a state."
Sorry for the long passage, but I felt it was worth it. Once you start reading the Dhammapada, it is hard to stop.
I would encourage you to get your children, age-appropriate, to read it as well.
The Dhammapada asks us to reflect on our mortality. That nothing is permanent. Health, money, looks, or even your mental abilities. They can wither without warning.
So what is the lesson?
Gratitude would be one. To be grateful for what you have, big or small, Often, things are perceived to be meaningless until you lose them.
Joy would be another. To be happy, no matter what. Easier said than done. Our nature is to focus on things that are wrong.
Considerate would be a third. Too often, we lose sensibility for the other. Each of us has our own challenges. Being considerate reflects the reality that, in the end, we all go away.
Purposeful would be a forth. Spend your time on things that have meaning. Family, friends, knowledge, and society. Perhaps God, if you are so inclined.
Most of all, avoid creating pain and suffering for others. You know when you do.
Your heart and mind tell you. Life is hard enough. Don't be an agent perpetuating hardship for others.
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