Curcumin - Poison or Miracle Cure?

Curcumin - Poison or Miracle Cure?

Curcumin is a well-known agent that down-regulates markers for cancer.

To my knowledge, the best curcumin in the world is grown in Lakhadong, in Meghalaya, the state in which I was born. My visionary father set up a factory within a stone's throw from the area

Recently, curcumin has come under some stress. No, not the crop, which seems to be doing fine, but the science of whether curcumin actually prevents anything, leave alone cancer.

Dr. Bharat Aggawal, a prominent researcher in the world of curcumin was accused of fradulently reporting the benefits of curcumin. Critics cited the fact that most research reports came either from India or China.

Many of his research reports were then retracted. Some for cruelty to animals and others for the data itself.

So the question that arises is - who do you take seriously?

How would you decide who to listen to, what advice to take and what to ignore?

In any case, the benefits or harm that your choices would make were likely to take effect over decades if not years.

How would you know that the effect, if any, did not occur due to other factors and not the curcumin?

Choices like these leave you in a quandry. The choice you make is usually sub-optimal.

So allow me to explain how I would approach such a question.

First, we live in a world where the truth is constantly shifting. So my position would be to listen with an open mind, but always verify.

Second, verification is hard. You have to sift through multiple sources of information until you get a sense of who has a motive and who is objectively reporting. Look far and wide before forming an opinion.

Third, bad science is hard to hide. If you hear people throwing medical sounding jargon at you, stop.

Dont let jargon convince you. Good science is always logical and easy to comprehend.

Forth, anything that is natural and prevents, and does not need to be consumed in excess is likely going to do good for you.

Hence, my position on curcumin remains the same. I consume in moderation and I dont rely on the naysayers.

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