Exhausted - your body needs a break

Exhausted. What is it about switching from work mode to holiday mode that leaves you feeling exhausted?
Yesterday, after three back-to-back talks across two cities, which started with me waking up at 3.30 am to catch a flight,
I finally embarked on a two-day break. A childhood friend had a lovely villa and offered, actually insisted that I stay with them.
As soon as my speaking engagements were over and I turned in, the morning found me unable to wake up. I am always awake, bright, and early, ready to catch the wave. Yesterday, I found myself in a very strange place. Exhausted.
My body had turned from work mode to holiday mode. But it chose to do so by asking me to rest and relax.
Different people have visions of a holiday. To some, it is full of energy and choc-o-block with things to do and places to go. To others, it is about putting their legs up and sipping Pina Coladas.
To me, it became about sleeping.
Not because I wanted it that way, but because my body forced me. It was my body's way of telling me that I needed a break.
As we run through the year, we often do not realise how wired up we are. We do not realise that our body has been forcing itself to be in run mode. The body will keep pushing itself forward, fueled by coffee, adrenaline, or responsibility.
If you do not find yourself with options, the body will just keep pushing. It comes with a cost. Exhaustion, as I found out. I could not move.
So I made the best choice I could. I slept through the day and night. I even missed writing this article and had to do so in the morning, minutes before it was time to send it to all of you.
If you have not taken a break, do consider taking one.
Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at www.youtube.com/breatheagain