Suffering - The End Of

I found a passage that was perfect. It did not require me to add anything for the article today.
I quote
“For one who clings, motion exists; but for one who clings not, there is no motion.
Where no motion is, there is stillness. Where stillness is, there is no craving.
Where no craving is, there is neither coming nor going. Where no coming nor going is, there is neither arising nor passing away.
Where neither arising nor passing away is, there is neither this world nor a world beyond, nor a state between.
This, indeed, is the end of suffering.”
Thera, Nyanaponika; Thera, Ñāṇamoli. The Four Sublime States and the Practice of Loving Kindness (Metta) (p. 27). Pariyatti Publishing. Kindle Edition.