Stress: Is there a better way?
Stress is so normal that perhaps you don’t even actively think about it anymore. Except for those times when it becomes unmanageable.
Can you imagine a life without stress?
One where your mind and body are self-regulating and at peace?
Our time here is finite. The duration is not in our hand.
The stark contrast between living in the time we have with and without stress makes it a wonder that more people aren’t actively working to reduce their stress.
Perhaps we are confused.
Some form of stress is productive. It propels us into action. We do more. We strive to achieve and even survive, pushed by the desire to act. So far, so good.
But when the pushing creates anxious and dysfunctional outcomes, we have crossed the boundaries of our abilities.
Can we shape a different existence for ourselves? One where there is a balance between striving and drowning?
If we wished for such a reality, the first thing we need to change is our awareness and perception.
Most go through their journey having normalized stress and anxiety. In fact, a significant number of the people I meet tell me “I am the anxious types” or “I tend to be stressed.”
Many of us even believe that it is a better way to live.
I don’t judge. But by categorizing yourself as a “type” you have normalized. As though there is no option but to be that way.
But that is simply not true.
All you need is the awareness and a path forward. For many, the path seems so daunting that it is best not to hope. Lest we find ourselves crestfallen.
But there is a way.
Let us start being more aware of what is happening when we are anxious. What are the triggers? What happens to me when I am triggered? Emotionally. Physically. Mentally.
Have the belief that there are alternatives. Marry that belief to a deeper understanding of your mind and body. It will, in my humble opinion, give you the ability to live a better life.
A life lived in balance between striving and drowning.
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