Sprint - Really!

Sprint - Really!
Photo by Chris / Unsplash

Sprint! Really.

When was the last time you sprinted? If you can’t remember, don’t fret. Statistics tell us that a majority of people over the age of thirty don’t sprint anymore. Ever!

Not surprisingly, the older you get, the less likely you are to sprint, even if there is an emergency.

No, this is not a rite of passage where the baton is being passed to the next generation. Your ability to do so is progressively deteriorating.

So unless you start sprinting again, with each passing day both your ability and your belief that can you is diminishing.

Since this is a circular argument, the more the time that passes, the more both will reinforce each other.

You will not be able to and you wont believe that you can.

But why should you bother?

After all, you dont live in the jungle and there are no jungle cats chasing you through the bushes. Surely learning Greek or opera is a better use of your time?

When you sprint, everything in your body comes together to make you capable.

Leg muscles, abdominal muscles, neck muscles, heart and lung. Joints come into play absorbing the shock while you turn twist and move while stabilizing your body.

Your body has to pump blood at over twenty times the normal speed to deliver oxygen to every cell. The blood has to deliver sugar to every cell, which will produce the energy to move you forward.

Sight plays a role, as you have to take in the world around you and send signals to your brain on where to put your leg next. You cant make the mistake of stepping on that offending pebble, that would make you trip and fall.

Your ears have small vessicles that have a bubble. The bubble gives your brain your sense of balance.

All of this happening as you rocket around the block. Ok, maybe not rocket, but you get my point.

When you lose ability, it is not the ability to sprint. It is the ability to bring mind and body to bear to perform a vital function.

So how ever old you may be, start slowly, but consider bringing sprinting back into your life. As a child that was your default mode.

Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at www.youtube.com/breatheagain