Sensors - the future

Sensors are devices that detect a change. Light, sound, or smoke, for example. But what might the future of sensors hold for your personal health?
Most of us have used simple sensors. Temperature gauge. Blood pressure. But in the not-too-distant future, we might scoff at these simple devices.
Let us take nutrition. We have come a long way in our conviction that nutrition matters. The best place to start to prevent disease is to ensure a healthy diet.
So then, can we imagine a scenario where everything we eat is vetted by sensors and devices? Not just at home, but even when we go out or travel?
I would argue that such a scenario is likely.
Our entire metabolism would be mapped. We would know, down to the micro-details, the exact nutrient profile of our body.
Not just in general, but at any given specific moment, adjust for stress, effort, and symptoms.
Everything that was cooked would be tested for its nutrient profile. An algorithm would then determine how suitable it was for you and how much of it you should eat.
Deviations, if any, would be recorded, and your insurance profile would be updated. Your insurance costs would reflect how often you went out of range.
Devices on your body would record just how much it affected you biochemically.
Yes, I know a lot of this sounds crazy.
But then, again, think about it. Doesn't the same thing happen with our cars today? If you have lived in the United States, you already know that your insurance changes by zip code. It changes with the colour and type of car you drive.
It is adjusted for your marital status and the number of accidents you have. Why should the healthcare of the future not catch up?
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