Sarcopenia - Is old age inevitable?

Sarcopenia is a condition that prevents you from living a fulfilling life. It happens gradually, often propelled by our own beliefs.
Let us unpack what is Sarcopenia and how our beliefs cause our suffering.
Our body has structure. Our skeleton provides the structure. Muscles on top of our bones, gives us strength and flexibility. To do things like sit, stand, run.
Which is where our beliefs come in.
First, our muscles don’t require use. In fact, you could injure yourself if you use them.
Second that after a certain age, you cannot use them anymore. You have exhausted your shelf life.
Whatever you did, it needed to be vigorous.
Fourth, it is gender specific. Men should do it, not women.
Fifth, if at all you indulge, it has to be fueled by buckets of protein.
These beliefs are wrong.
Sarcopenia, muscle wasting because of lack of use, affects all genders and can occur at any age, regardless of protein intake.
Using them vigorously without practice is the worst thing you can do. You will end up hurting yourself, propelling the belief that this is not for you.
After the age of thirty, we are all losing muscles. It gets worse with each passing year, unless you arrest the loss.
The sooner you start, the better. In fact, as soon as you are born is ideal. Don’t stop. Ever. Keep building capacity, there is no ceiling. Add protein as you go along, you need more as you age.
If you have not started, start now. Start slowly. Add incrementally. At each step you should always feel “I got this,” not “Oh my god, I am dying.”
It is lack of use that creates sarcopenia.
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