Reversal or Remission?

We have come a long way. About a decade ago, when I started my amazing health transformation, most of the people I met were skeptics.
The thrust of the argument I would hear would be that there was no way to reverse a disease. In essence, diseases were a one way street.
We have walked a few miles since. Today, the argument is a debate between reversal and remission.
So what is a reversal? What is remission? Why would we split hairs between the two?
To understand, let us take a specific disease, type II diabetes.
Type II diabetes occurs when your blood sugar is higher than a defined threshold. An HbA1c of more than 6.5 in a 90 day period.
So, imagine someone with an HbA1c of say 10. Clearly Type II diabetic. Imagine that, with lifestyle changes, the person has been able to bring her levels down to 5.9. The standards would call this a pre-diabetic stage.
Did the person reverse their condition, or is it in remission?
Technically speaking, the condition is in remission. Remission in this case means that it has been temporarily reversed, but it can come back again.
For clarity, a reversal would mean that you have been cured permanently.
A patient would probably argue that he or she could not really care less. As long as all the symptoms or effects of the disease were gone, reversal or remission was all the same.
The medical world would argue that the definition really matters. Reversal means you no longer have the disease and no longer need treatment.
But that could not possibly be true of a lifestyle disease.
If your lifestyle disease has been reversed or put in remission, and you stop doing the things that put it in remission in the first place, it will come back.
So technically speaking, it was not reversed.
As a patient, I would take the remission and just make sure that I stayed there for the rest of my life, which to me would be a reversal.
Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at

PS: A reader wrote back yesterday upset that I was misleading people with my article on natural treatment for cancer.
I want to clarify that it was not my intent to suggest that you resort to natural means only. Cancer is a deadly disease that can cause death in weeks.
You must do everything, including using the best medical advice to treat your condition. I apologize if my article conveyed that I want you to use only natural means.
Having said that, using natural means in addition to medicine would help.