Reality: Real, Virtual & Constructed

Ancient Indian scripts say that our world is Maya. An illusion. While we may believe that we exist in reality, it is a very realistic projection.
Perhaps, someday, we will find out. Meanwhile, a more realistic possibility exists.
Everything that we see around us will be a projection.
We live in what we call reality. Then virtual reality came along. We would put on a headset and experience images, sound, even physical movement. When we exited the virtual world, we returned to our reality.
Soon, everything you see around you will no longer be real. We know AI can generate essays. Make videos. Produce songs.
We know AI can generate lifelike avatars that tell us a story, narrate the news, or sing and dance.
Yes, but that is all digital, I hear you say.
Agreed, but how long do you think it will take before AI creates physical structures, landscapes, and entire cities?
When will we declare the world unreal?
At least, not real in the sense that it is a world built by nature or the living creatures within.
I love technology and everything it brings alongside.
The other day, someone sent me a link to eight hundred year old Tibetan texts. The computer could translate the text and give me an English version to read in seconds. It was like magic.
So don’t misunderstand me when I say this.
Human beings have no idea how to deal with a reality in which everything is constructed with no human effort.
Over the years, we have loosened our philosophical moorings and anchor in spirituality. Spirituality helped in an uncertain world.
We are entering into an era of great uncertainty. A world where we do not know what is real, what is virtual, and what is constructed.
How that will play into our emotions and sense of well-being remains to be discovered.
But when what used to be a movie becomes your real life, we will be in an extremely interesting period to say the least.
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