Read - Making the Case For

A good book is the best teacher you can find

Read - Making the Case For
Photo by Kimberly Farmer / Unsplash

Easily the greatest blessing my parents gave me, after unadulterated love, was the gift of reading.

Do you read? Do you find yourself trying to convince a person to do so?

I get through between five and seven books a month. Ten to twelve at any given point. No, my math is not poor. I re-read several repeatedly. Especially those where the lessons need to be reabsorbed.

As a writer, I assure you, composing a short article, such as this one, and writing in long-form are very different skills.

The more you say, the more likely you are to make a fool of yourself. Your lack of knowledge can quickly shine through like a mirror reflecting the sun. You may be best served staying in the shadows.

A good book is therefore the distilled understanding of the depth of the author’s knowledge. It has to get to the point, be useful, factual and tell you something you did not know or think about.

No conversation can come close.

A written piece is like interacting with someone exceptionally well prepared.

We live in tribes, small communities of people surrounded by a dozen and then some. I mean no offence, but not everyone in your tribe may understand philosophy or science.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to engage with anyone in the world - Gandhi, Edison, Panksepp? Where they come prepared to share the best of what they know to help you grow?

That is what a book does for you.

You can pick any topic, any author. Drop them quickly if they seem to lack the knowledge you need. Give the ones that grasp the concept deeply, another read.

As I have said before, learning is a process. True understanding takes time and repetition.

A good book is the best teacher you can find.

Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at