Near and Far: look after both types of vision

Near and Far: look after both types of vision

Vision has two components. Near and far.

We don’t think about it so much, because we so instinctively switch between the two.

You observe both near and far objects.

Nurturing your vision is often-overlooked because you open your eyes and see without effort.

A significant contributor to eyestrain is the disproportionate time we devote to near vision. Focusing on screens, books, and handheld devices for extended periods.

While these activities are integral to our daily routines, it is equally vital to engage in practices that strengthen both near and far vision.

Think of your eyes as muscles that benefit from a balanced workout. Near vision, such as reading or working on a laptop, is like doing repetitive biceps curls. It focuses on a single aspect.

Far vision, like a full-body workout, broadens your field of view and allows your eyes to relax from constant close-up tasks.

There was a time when we did this naturally. Going out hunting meant that you kept switching from near to far. Even more recently, going out to play did the same thing.

But children and adults alike spend far too much time looking at screens.

By including both types of exercise, you not only preserve visual acuity but also reduce the risk of potential issues like digital eyestrain, dry eyes, and blurred vision.

One simple technique to incorporate into your daily routine is called the 20-20-20 rule.

Every 20 minutes, pause your near-vision task and look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This practice helps your eyes shift from a contracted, near-focus position to a more relaxed state.

If possible, step outside or gaze through a window, allowing your eyes to roam over distant objects, greenery, or the horizon.

Use these moments to perform gentle eye exercises, like blinking slowly or rolling your eyes in circular motions.

I recently spoke to Dr Aravind Srinivasan on my show about sight. If you have not watched it, do not miss it. It is a treasure trove of information.

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