MRI: Your muscles need one
Have you been asked to get an MRI recently? If you have, chances are that you dreaded the experience.
MRI's are generally not fun, being locked into a closed space, the sound of machines clanging, while magnetic images are being taken of you. Typically, to detect a disease.
But it is possible to make good use of MRI's.
To understand your muscles. Yes, really!!
Clinics are now springing up all over the world. You go in to get an MRI of your muscles.
The MRI gives you a detailed analysis of the development of your muscles. The relative development of one group versus the other. The fat contained within.
So why would you want to know?
Sarcopenia is the gradual loss of muscle after the age of thirty. But even for athletes, who are working out regularly, the development of muscle is not equal. You could have a better developed left quad muscle versus the right.
Over time, this will lead to poor gait. For the athlete poor performance on race day.
Using the MRI, you can then target specific muscle groups. You could, for example, increase the repetition of your exercise on the left as compared to the right. Progressively, you could go back and analyze your progress.
For many of us, I know all of this sounds like kerfuffle.
Fussing over nothing. But that is probably because of the complexity of getting it done today.
In the near future, the MRI will be a body scan, that occurs as you stand in front of your mirror, the statistics showing up in real time. Everyday.
Not all of you will sign up. Which is fine. We all have to craft our own path. But measurement is knowledge.
Knowledge is the power to change what is, to what you wish it to be.
MRI anyone?
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