Knowing-Doing Gap: Why cant we do what we know

Knowing-Doing Gap: Why cant we do what we know
Photo by Kevin Jarrett / Unsplash

The knowing-doing gap is a common phenomenon that illuminates the difference between understanding what one should do and doing it.

We all know what to do more often than not. Yet, many of us struggle to translate insights into actionable steps.

At some point we have to stop and ask - why?

To understand this, we need to delve into psychology.

Fear is a primary culprit. The fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of stepping outside one’s comfort zone can create a mental barrier, preventing us from turning plans into practice.

Habit is another culprit. We operate on autopilot most of the time. Even if we know that a behavior is detrimental, we repeat it because it’s familiar.

Breaking these patterns requires conscious effort and vigilance, which can be exhausting.

A third culprit is bias. For instance, the planning fallacy leads people to underestimate the time and effort needed to accomplish a task, causing them to postpone action.

We think it will be harder than it is.

We postpone action, which widens the gap, making our bias come true.

Finally, we overthink. We look at the million possible ways to achieve our goals. Over-analysis can lead to a mental paralysis, where constant pondering inhibits execution.

So what can you do?

Start by focusing on small, manageable steps. When you reduce the task to the smallest possible action, the burden appears lighter, and you are more likely to follow through.

Coupling positive reinforcements with each minor victory fosters motivation, reinforcing the habit of taking action.

Self-awareness is also vital—reflecting on your mental and emotional responses helps you identify and address fears or biases that are holding you back.

Finally, it’s crucial to create an environment that supports action. This could mean surrounding yourself with mentors or peers who encourage and hold you accountable.

Create a tribe that supports you.

By understanding the reasons you can close the knowing-doing gap.

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