Histamine Managing Water drought
Histamine is a signalling chemical produced in your body. It triggers an immune response to help your body fight an intruder.
Regulating your histamines is critical because an allergy can trigger an anaphylactic attack, which can be life threatening.
But what is the link between hydration levels and the release of histamines?
Histamines work by producing an allergic response to a foreign object. So, your skin might itch, your lungs could contract to prevent a foreign object from entering your lungs, you could throw up or have loose motions.
In all such cases, the common theme is your body attempting to remove the offensive object from the body.
Interestingly, foods also have histamines. Alcohol, cheese, pickles to name a few. If you consume foods that are high in histamine, and your body is unable to process it, you can develop histamine intolerance.
Intolerance can cause headaches, a stuffy or runny nose.
But we are chasing the link between dehydration and histamines.
When you are dehydrated your body can release histamines as an immune response. Histamines will rise in your blood, causing all the symptoms such as itching. Dehydration can also cause bad breath, cramps and constipation.
Hydration and dehydration are confusing issues. What should be a fairly straightforward subject has been complicated by diverse voices.
Some say drink lots of water, others say don’t drink much. Drink in the morning. Drink hydrogenated, purified, filtered, boiled, with copper, without copper. Use osmosis. Wait, actually dont!
So what is the truth?
Clearly being dehydrated is not good for you. But be cautious, dehydration is not just water, it is also minerals. So you want both your mineral and water balance to be adequate.
In homeostatic balance. Not too much, not too little.
Clear purified water, that does not have pollutants, had in moderation such that the colour of your urine is neutral or pale is enough. Usually that is about eight glasses per day, not including exercise for most of us.
Make sure you consume sufficient minerals.
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