Formaldehyde: How it harms you

Formaldehyde: How it harms you
Photo by Fujiphilm / Unsplash

I could not breathe for the past few days. My nose was blocked, inflamed, and watering.

This is not normal for me. At the very least, for something like this to persist for days instead of hours. The culprit was formeldehyde.

So what is formaldehyde and how does it affect you?

Simply put, it’s a colorless, pungent gas made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Found in plants, and even in our bodies, the trouble starts when exposed in large doses.

In my case repairing of some woodwork in my house.

Manufacturing loves it. It is used in everything from plywood and particleboard to cosmetics and disinfectants. But the chemical has a dark side.

When you inhale it, it can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. Short-term exposure might leave you coughing or sneezing, but the real nasty stuff happens over the long term.

Studies link prolonged exposure to serious health risks including chronic respiratory issues, skin rashes, and even cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer calls it a human carcinogen, with nasal and throat cancers topping the list.

Formaldehyde doesn’t just float around in factories. You can also find it in your nail polish, for example.

So, what can you do?

Open your windows and let the air flow. As far as possible, ventilate your home before you move in after it has been freshly repaired or restored.

If it is a new home, allow the home to ventilate for at least a month if not more.

In my case, because we live in the same home in which the repair was going on, I had an overdose of exposure.

Many products come free of formaldehyde or with low levels. Look for labels or ask for formeldehyde free products.

I can assure you from personal experience, exposure is not fun.

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