Fisetin - a Flavanoid
Fisetin is a flavonoid. A natural compound found in plants. It gives fruits and vegetables their vibrant color. But its role goes beyond aesthetics.
It is a powerful antioxidant.
One that protects cells from damage and supports longevity. Strawberries have the highest concentration of fisetin. Something I try and eat almost everyday in season.
You also find it in apples, grapes, cucumbers, and onions. Nature provides it in abundance.
But our modern diet lacks it. We eat processed foods. Stripped of nutrients, devoid of life.
So why should you bring it back into your food?
It helps clear senescent cells. Senescent cells are aged cells that refuse to die. They linger in the body, causing inflammation.
A slow burn that leads to disease. Removing them is key to aging well. Fisetin does this naturally. Unlike drugs, it has no harmful side effects.
Fisetin is excellent at crossing the blood-brain barrier. Remember, the blood-brain-barrier is a mesh of nerves that protects your brain.
Few compounds do. Once inside, it reduces inflammation in the brain. It protects neurons.
This makes it promising for Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative diseases. Memory fades when the brain is inflamed. Fisetin keeps it sharp.
It works at the cellular level. Boosting glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant it reduces oxidative stress and lowering inflammation.
Glutathione is produced in the liver and providing more to the body, helps the liver function better.
It helps insulin function better balancing blood sugar. Protects the heart. A simple flavonoid, yet so profound.
Science is still catching up. But humanity already knew all of this. A diet rich in plants, full of color, is the path to health.
Health is not complicated. It is found in nature. It is found in balance. It is found in what we choose to eat.
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