Eyesight - can exercise restore it?

Eyesight is one of those things that deteriorates with age. A few years ago, I found myself in denial about reading glasses. I had perfect vision, and I refused to accept that anything had changed.
Eventually, I had to accept that light was falling on the lens of my eye differently, causing me to be farsighted.
So, is there a way for someone like me to get rid of reading glasses through exercise? If you've watched Bruce Lee or martial arts films, you'll notice the protagonist performs exercises for the eyes.
Why can't I do the same?
The common challenges we face with eyesight include nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, stiffening of the lens, and glaucoma.
In these cases, exercising the eyes is not going to change vision. In the past, I have spoken about how cupping helps restore eyesight. But even that requires up to four hours of cupping a day, and your vision is blurry and unclear at best.
So what is your option?
According to reports, the best option is to preserve your eyesight. In this case, preservation means delaying the likely degeneration of your sight, one of the inevitable outcomes of ageing.
So do not use the computer all day long. Take frequent breaks. If your job necessitates screen time, look away from your screen as often as possible. Delay the start of using screens with your children. Ask them to use less instead of more.
Eat foods that improve eyesight, especially those rich in beta-carotene.
But what about supplements or blue-blocking glasses, you might ask? Blue light, especially the kind you get from the sun actually promotes alertness and improves mood. It's the blue light from your computer that you want to block.
So, you want to make sure that you are not using the screen too much and are not exposing yourself to blue light towards the evening when your body is trying to go into a restful state.
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