Emotions - what do you feel?

Emotions - what do you feel?

How are you feeling?

No, really, how are you feeling? 

The answer to this question is typically "all well," "I am fine," "never better," or equivalent. We all know it is not really true. Many of us are not really feeling fine, but we say it out of a host of beliefs. 

Don't show your emotions; it may be a sign of weakness. No one cares anyway, so why let them in? The list is endless, but we mask our feelings and emotions from the world. 

But here is a trick question. 

What if you were answering the question for your inner self? How are you feeling? 

Surprisingly, it isn't that simple or easy to answer. 

Sure, if you are really pissed off at something, you could tell. If someone just proposed to you, you could tell. But we all know things like this don't happen all the time. 

So what about the rest of the time? 

I tried. I really couldn't tell. Was I happy? Was I sad? Was I content? Was I anxious? Well, I simply couldn't tell what I was. 

Of course, if I repeated the exercise throughout the day and moments came that caused me anxiety, for example, I could tell. 

But the rest of the time? I simply could not tell. So I turned to research.

We have what are called basic moods or primary emotions. Happy, sad, angry, fearful, surprised, anticipatory, trusting, and disgusted.

Of course, we have many secondary emotions. Cheerful, happy, content, euphoric, or excited when happy. There is also terrified and insecure when fearful.

So why couldn't I tell? 

I have never been taught to scan my emotions. Emotions were typically things you overcame, unless, of course, it was happiness, which in any case is hard to come by. 

But our mood and emotions drive all our actions.

Imagine having something determine your behavior all day long and not know what it was. Strange as it may sound, we live our lives this way. 

So learn to intuitively know what you are feeling. Learn to scan your emotions and, ultimately, make shifts in how you feel. 

Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at www.youtube.com/breatheagain