Cancer: Can turmeric and neem cure you?
So a famous person cured themselves of stage four cancer using turmeric, neem and fasting.
Can you do the same? Should you also follow their advice and attempt to cure yourself by shunning modern medicine?
The short answer is no.
There are too many reasons. I will try to cover the important ones.
These diseases come without warning. They spread quickly because diagnosis occurs at an advanced stage.
Learning and making good choices without prior knowledge is improbable.
Imagine you found someone who was an expert on natural healing.
The understanding of what to do that is truly a cure is sparse to be polite. New age practitioners spring up faster than you can say, mother.
The landscape is akin to the gold rush, everyone being lured in by the shine of all that glitters you and me included.
Even the most discerning person would find it hard to make good choices.
So what are the believers actually speaking about? Is there any science?
Cancer is believed to be a metabolic disease and not generically inherited. A disease that is fuelled by glucose or what is also known as fermentable foods.
So if you fast, your body goes into a fasting stage also known as ketosis, producing ketones. Cancer cells cannot survive when starved of glucose whereas your body can survive on ketones for months.
You can track your blood ketone level, using a simple device that costs a few thousand. The turmeric and neem help by removing free radicals which are precusors to cancer cells.
So if all of this is true, why am I then still saying that you should not rely on traditional medicine.
Put simply, lack of standardised commercial grade cures that work.
Cancer is deadly. It spreads fast. You dont have the luxury to play with options. Until the treatment of cancer is standardised using fasting and ketosis as a protocol, the risks of taking a chance are far too great.
Use it as an adjunct to regular treatment, but not your primary solution. At least not until several thousands of people are cured using this as a protocol.
Remember that even fasting is not advocated for all forms of cancer.
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