Burnout: Reclaim Energy and Focus

You’re burnt out!
How can you make things better?
Too many of us spend far too much time delaying acknowledging it.
Dealing with burnout starts with acceptance.
We fear being labelled as weak, incapable, or of being judged.
But we can easily find others going through the same situation.
A top athlete falling apart at her game. A news anchor having a melt down live on television. It is more common than you think.
So accept that you might be burnt out.
To use the concept of flow, burnouts occur when you stretch your effort and ability beyond your capacity.
Give yourself a break. Step back from what ever it is you are doing. Parenting, managing a business or competing at a sport.
I know it takes a lot to step away from what you are doing. It evokes fear or loss, or worse not being missed. But the intent is to build capacity and return stronger.
If you have the luxury to stop completely, a tennis player not playing the next grand slam, then do so. If your profession does not permit, it, find a colleague who can share some of your burden.
If you are a business owner, go for a short course, a learning opportunity or even a short vacation by yourself.
But the only way to avoid burn out is to go back to the building blocks and build capacity.
Reflect on what it is that is causing the burn out. What are the stress points that cause you fatigue. What capacity are you lacking that makes that task difficult for you.
What can you do to build capacity for it. Who can you ask, learn from?
Slowly, a game plan will emerge. A series of steps that you need to take that will upgrade your capacity. Perhaps the approach to how you process information. Perhaps, a renewed focus on time management.
The best swords are built by repeatedly forging and hammering the steel.
Sometimes, you need to do the same with yourself.
Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at www.youtube.com/breatheagain