Breath: Universal Principle of Life

“Assume you have achieved homeostasis. Would you need to focus on anything else?
Remember, from my article yesterday, I was speaking to entrepreneurs. Smart people always looking for an edge.
“Breath” I said.
If you wished, you could build a stack a mile high. Filled with myriad cures, magic pills, esoteric interventions. Some would work. The others would act as placebo.
But mastery over breath would easily outdo all of them combined.
What does it mean to master the way you breathe?
First, to be aware of your breath. Most of us breathe unconsciously. We never pay attention. When you do, listen to the way you breathe. Is it shallow? It is deep?
Can you feel the air passing through your respiratory tract freely, without obsctruction?
Do you breathe through your mouth or your nose? Can you hold your breath? Does it burn when you do?
How you breathe affects your life like nothing else.
Your ideal breath is through your nose and slow. It should be unobstructed.
One single breathe should take at least ten seconds. Over time, find harmony in the time you take to breathe in and breathe out, which may be different.
You will discover something known as resonance frequency, the perfect harmony of the breath in and out.
Your breath rate will change depending on the stimulation. Sounds, noises, distractions. Fires, sirens and explosions.
How much it changes is in your hand. The more you master your breath, the more you can regulate it, regardless of stimulus. Regulation in this case meaning how much it climbed from your baseline.
The less it climbs the better.
Finally, turn your awareness to your lung capacity. Most of us have small lungs, from lack of use. Top athletes can breathe in several times more than us.
The more the air you can take in, the more oxygen available to you to power your body. The more oxygen available, the less frequently you need to breathe.
Master your breath, master your mind, master your life. Breathe Again, but slowly.
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