Brain Waves: what are they telling you?

Your brain generates electrical pulses, used to signal the body. A group of neurons generates a pattern that can be recognized and classified. Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta, for example.
What are your brain waves telling you and how can you use it to your advantage?
You generate alpha waves when you are awake and not doing anything specific. You produce beta waves when you are concentrating and learning.
Delta waves are slow waves produced when you sleep. Theta waves occur between sleep-wake states. They can also occur when you are meditating, deeply relaxed, exercising, or solving complex problems.
I recently interview Ria Rustagi [link here], founder of Neuphony, an all Indian company that makes headsets that can detect your brain waves.
Using her device, we could peer into my brain, tell the types of brain waves I was producing and also change them depending on stimulus.
She made me do a few exercises, breathing, concentration and meditation and the device was able to tell how my brain waves were changing.
So what did I learn?
Different people have varying brain states. They respond to stimulus differently. Training your brain, can help you alter your brain state.
Your goal is to be able to create the right circumstances in which you can trigger the appropriate brain state for what ever it is you wish to do.
Imagine being able to trigger a theta brain state at will. Imagine understanding what it takes for you to be able to do so specifically.
The technology is still new. It is evolving. While we have been practising these techniques on ourseleves for millenia, marrying it to a device that can tell you how you are doing is new.
But as other tools, such as reading your heart rate, pulse, breath rate and the like have evolved to become mainstream, this one will too.
Someday, you will create the brain state for the meeting on your calendar.
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