Blood Clots - Dissolve Them Naturally

Blood Clots - Dissolve Them Naturally
Photo by National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

A blood clot is a lump of blood cells, coagulated together. Usually, it is for your own good. Sometimes, when blood clots form inside your body, they can pose a risk to you.

Is there a way to dissolve unwanted blood clots, naturally?

First, let us understand just how blood clots form. Your blood has platelets.

When the body believes there has been an injury, it exposes collage, which was otherwise hidden. Platelets rush to the injured area and get activated.

They change shape and become sticky kick-starting a process of aggregation. A protein known as fibrin joins the party, creating a mesh around the lump, locking everything inside and turning it into a blood clot.

So how can you prevent this from happening inside your arteries naturally?

First, stop doing anything that results in internal injury. An internal injury is the same as a cut to your hand. Your blood has to clot to prevent bleeding.

An internal injury, for example, in damage to the lining of your artery caused by poor quality food.

Second, the greater the blood circulation, the less the likelihood of blood clotting. Exercise helps increase blood circulation.

Third, consuming specific foods that are anti-inflammatory, such as garlic, turmeric and ginger. Yes, grandma really knew what she was doing.

Garlic, for example, has a compound called allicin, which reduces the aggregation of platelets. Use with caution, especially if you are already on blood thinners.

Forth, add foods that make blood flow better. Counter intuitively, these are good fats, such as Omega 3. Walnuts, flaxseeds, ghee, in moderate quantities. Omega-3 helps increase circulation and removes offending particles in your bloodstream.

Finally, drink enough water. Not too much and not too little. Both are harmful. Water helps blood flow better by making your blood thinner.

Blood clots have shot into prominence after Covid. Do what you can to reduce your risks.

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