Blockage: how can you reverse a blocked artery
“The arteries are fifty percent blocked.”
Have you heard this statement in the context of the health of your loved one?
Have you wondered why the arteries got blocked? Is there something you can do about it?
Your body produces a lipid known as low-density lipoprotein, or LDL. Labelled the bad cholesterol, too much of LDL is the commonly accepted cause of blocked arteries.
But you have to ask - why is my body producing too much LDL?
In truth, your body is ruthlessly efficient and produces nothing in excess unless absolutely compelled to do so.
LDL is being produced because it is being used to repair damaged tissue in your arterial wall.
So, what caused damage to the walls?
Arteries have a thin layer of cells, known as epithelial cells.
It is these cells that get damaged when you consume toxins, chemicals and other harmful substances that enter your bloodstream.
The body then produces LDL to repair this damage. More damage, more LDL.
Even this is not a problem by itself. If you are making excess LDL you also make high-desity lipoproteins or HDL. HDL plays the role of removing the excess LDL from your bloodstream.
It is only when your body continously produces excess LDL and not enough HDL over many years, that the LDL starts to clog your arteries.
So what can you do?
First, stop damaging your tissue walls. Eliminate everything that could damage your arteries - alcohol, toxic chemical laden foods to name a few.
Next, increase your HDL. HDL is made from Omega-3. Increase your intake of foods such as ghee and flaxseeds which are rich in Omega-3. Be cautious.
You only need tiny amounts and more is not better in this case.
Depending on the severity, it is possible to reverse or reduce the blockage in your arteries. We have seen several such cases in our practice where a blockage was reversed.
PS: a blocked artery is a very serious condition and not something you should take lightly. Unless you are following a very specific guided plan that will systematically reduce your blockage, you could be at serious risk.
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