Belief - Fooled Often?

People believe Confucius said, “Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
But is it true? Is there an incontrovertible truth?
To understand this, we have to start with how we form our beliefs and opinions.
As the world enters our conscious stream, through sight, sound smell, we form opinions.
He said this. She did that. They felt this.
But repeatedly, scientists have shown that the opinions we form are completely untrue. Often the opposite of what happened.
This video [link here] shows how people repeatedly change their mind about what they heard. The same is true for what you see.
Can an indisputable truth exist if what we hear and see is false?
I will stay away from the esoteric for now. Does our planet exist? Does the Universe? Even these have theories that question our very existence.
But for now, if we just stay on the path of our beliefs and opinions, clearly, they are based on versions of the truth.
Yet, human nature is to have strong convictions. We have no choice. We would go crazy if we were not able to decide what it was we were hearing or seeing.
You see, your brain is a reality generating machine.
To be so, you need to soak in your world and then form an opinion about what it is.
These choices are made in milliseconds. It has to be that way, else grave harm could follow.
But our brain does not care for the truth, even incontrovertible ones. All it cares about is making a choice, one that kept you out of danger.
The more often you succeed, the more the belief grows that you have great intuitions, analytical skills, the ability to understand people and life.
But many of these opinions were best case guesses where life did not correct your opinion because you survived.
Reality, is constructed by your brain, on the fly, at every moment, regardless of the truth.
Happy Deepavali Everyone !! Wishing you and your family good health, prosperity and happiness.