Brain Fatigue: How it affects health

Brain Fatigue: How it affects health
Photo by Christian Erfurt / Unsplash

Brain fatigue is a condition where your brain is tired, having made too many decisions.

If you tax your brain to take more decisions, chances are you might make a bad one.

So how does brain fatigue play out in the context of health?

Imagine you took an early morning flight somewhere. Important meetings with vendors, customers or partners. By the time you got to lunch, it was 3pm.

You were exhausted, over stimulated, your brain having worked nineteen to the dozen coping.

You are now deciding what to eat.

You are likely to make poor choices. You will live to regret it later, but at that moment, it is as though the light bulb went off.

You just experienced the effects of brain fatigue.

Now this is not something that occurs only when you are travelling. It also occurs, for example, when you walk into your home after a long day at work.

The minute you walk into your home, all hell breaks loose. You eat and drink like it is about to go out of fashion.

So what can you do?

Recognize that you are suffering from brain fatigue. The best solution is to out-source this decision to someone else. The next best solution is to predetermine what you are going to do.

At the risk of sounding dramatic, I plan my meals in advance. I know where I am travelling, I know where I am likely to eat and I have already decided in advance what I will eat.

When I reach the restaurant, I dont have to use my brain. In fact, knowing in advance gives me power. I am relaxed and can be present.

I end up using my lunch time better, do not feel guilty afterwards and find myself having a more productive day.

It is these little choices that add up, day after day after day. Being healthy is easier than you think if your choices are made easy.

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