Allostasis - how your body adapts
how does your body adapt to stress
how does your body adapt to stress
The role of beta blockers in managing blood pressure
Align your coping strategy to the problem at hand
Your fascia is the largest tissue in your body
Why would you not want to eat?
Your body comprises DNA, your genetic code. Your genes replicate, carrying with them all the information required to form the new cell. A single gene, replicating from end to end, would take between 550-800 hours. Genes, therefore, use multiple strategies to replicate in a matter of hours. Sometimes the replication
Approximately 280 million people worldwide have depression. Several more suffer from an undiagnosed condition. But have you wondered why we have been unsuccessful in solving depression? Modern medicine has transplanted livers and hearts. Doctors can open your skull and operate on your brain with precision. We can transfuse blood, repair
Its time we separate food and socializing
Add static and dynamic loading in your exercise.
Ignorance takes time to overcome
How intelligent are you? You probably have an opinion. Your opinion may be based on your perception driven by experiences. So you may feel smart if you did well in your examination. What about the skilled poker player? Or the artist who sculpts a statue? Are they also intelligent? Scientists
We live in a damp environment. At least most us do. The ones who live in a dry warm environment aspire to buy air conditioning to air condition their world. Once installed, you create opportunities for your habitat to become damp. If you live in modern society, chances are that