Advice - Dont follow it blindly

Advice - Dont follow it blindly
Photo by Ravi Sharma / Unsplash

If you go onto social media, there is a plethora of advice available on how to manage your health.

The messaging is getting sophisticated. So you will hear terms like interoception and exteroception. Yes, looking inward and outward with your senses.

But there is a lurking danger. Toxic levels of a particular mineral or vitamin, while you were trying to keep up with the Joneses.

One thing’s toxic levels will probably cause a deficiency of another.

Not too long ago, it was hard to find someone to listen. Over the last few years, there has been a massive increase in the number of people willing to listen.

Alongside, the number of people with advice has also proliferated. They mean well; the advice is mostly sound.

But before you apply their advice literally, you need to filter it for applicability.

To you!

Let us take my articles. I write daily on a topic. It goes out to thousands of people across the world.

I obviously have little to no knowledge about your condition. Even if I have met you prior, your conditions may have changed.

Some of you write back and ask me how something I said applies to you. I am extremely happy to respond.

Because advice is most useful when applied to your context.

In the abscence of which, the next best option is to test frequently.

If you’ve started a new mineral, vitamin, enzyme, or probiotic based on social media advice, ensure you’re applying it correctly to your condition.

Next, check your levels regularly to make sure you did not end up on the wrong end of the spectrum. I would say at least once every six months if not more often.

Your body lives in a delicate balance. If you think a deficiency of something is harmful, take my word for it, an excess of something is equally harmful.

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