Harmony - when it is good for you

We define harmony as “a relationship in which various components exist together without destroying each other.”
Nature exists in a state of harmony. We have life and death. Plants, birds, animals live with each other, contributing on the whole to the larger ecosystem.
Human beings are the one species that defies this approach. We instead seek to dominate our environment. Look at any urban sprawl and you will see what I mean.
But when it affects our health, it would be in our self-interest to rethink our approach.
Human beings want to bring the same approach of dominance to our wellbeing.
We then seek to beat disease and overcome death.
We are better than disease and death.
Don’t get me wrong. Diseases when they afflict a loved one is terrible. Death is worse.
But by working in harmony with the body, perhaps, we might increase the likelihood of delaying both.
The body has an innate capacity to heal itself. Our modern approach is to bend that reality through what is known in the biohacking world as “the stack.”
The stack is using modern technology to beat the odds of whatever might happen to us. Medicines, supplements, IV injections and so on.
I have been doing this for nearly a decade. Unfortunately, the more I read, the more I realize that there is no magic stack. It would be lovely if there was.
So what is the alternative?
Strangely, the alternative is living in harmony with nature. It has everything you need to live a long and healthy life.
We have and continue to solve for the frailties of the human body. I know this sounds contradictory - relying on progress to solve for our shortcomings and yet trying to rely on nature for our health.
But isn’t that what harmony is about?
Reach out to me on twitter @rbawri Instagram @riteshbawriofficial and YouTube at www.youtube.com/breatheagain