Free Energy: Your battery in the world
I am a huge fan of the Sun. Spending time in sunlight, I mean. Our forefathers worshipped the Sun.
Ra, the Sun God. Or doing a surya namaskar, depending on where you lived.
But why did we worship the Sun with such fervour?
We all know that the Sun provides us with energy. But what exactly is the energy we get? Why is it so beneficial?
Energy is carried by electrons. When they transfer from the sun to your body, they bring energy with them. The average human being has 10^28 electrons. Let's just say more than we can count.
In our case, we eat food to transfer the energy, as we cannot directly absorb the electrons. But there are other ways.
Our planet is a repository of these electrons. Merely walking on the ground barefoot allows these electrons to transfer to your body.
The beach, grass, mud. All will do. If none of them are readily accessible, you could consider buying a grounding mat.
Why this fuss, though?
Isn’t it enough that you are eating three square meals a day and getting all the electrons you need? Why do you need to "supplement" the transfer of electrons?
When you increase the flow of electrons into your body, you improve the flow of blood.
Your blood is made of red blood cells. Grounding increases the surface charge (zeta potential) on the red blood cells.
The change in surface charge causes the cells to repel each other, creating more space between them. You can use blood tests (blood viscosity) to measure this change if you so desire.
The change in viscosity improves the flow of blood, reducing blood pressure.
A reduction in blood pressure reduces the pressure on your heart and your arteries.
The earth directly contributing to your good health, so to speak.
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